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It turns out that choosing a quality men's cream that suits your skin is not enough. It is crucial to apply it correctly. Then the effect will be as pleasant as possible.

How to apply the cream around the eyes?

This area should be given special attention the skin around the eyes is the thinnest, and it is important not to stretch it accidentally. However, there are massage lines around the eyes.

The sequence of actions when applying the cream around the eyes.

  1. Remove make-up from the skin and eyes and wash your face.
  2. Don't dry your eyelids. Leave them slightly damp.
  3. Take some cream and warm it between your fingers.
  4. Apply the cream in a patting motion.
  5. Move from the inner corner of the eye to the outer.
  6. And the final step along the bottom from the outer to the inner corner.

Keep in mind that the under-eye skin is very delicate. In this case, it is essential to follow the rules for applying the cream so as not to stretch the skin and not harm it.

Proper application of the cream along the massage lines not only helps the product to be absorbed and perform its main care function but also has several positive aspects:

  • The skin does not stretch;
  • Relieves tension and tones muscles.
  • The oval of the face is tightened.

Another critical point is the difference in applying the type of cream. For example, a moisturizer should be applied along the massage lines to owners of dry skin. On the other hand, if the skin is oily it can be applied pointwise to the places of peeling and dryness.

Day and night creams are applied along the massage lines. We adhere to the same rule with tonal creams.

Every moment in men's facial care is an essential factor in the perfection of the skin. Stay handsome with Wilder’s Prime! 



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