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By Main Expert

Caring for men's skin includes shaving gel and soothing lotion. Regardless of gender and age, any skin requires primary care. And its principles, plus or minus, are the same: regular cleansing, exfoliation, and moisturizing will not hurt anyone. But how do you create your ideal skincare routine?

If you associate the phrase "careful care" with a lengthy spa procedure with a clay mask on your face and cucumber circles on your eyes, we are in a hurry to please you — we have a completely different program in our plans. All the necessary stages of care can be laid out in just a couple of minutes. How? Please turn on the stopwatch; now we will tell.

Step 1: Cleansing (daily, 30 seconds)

Washing is one of the essential steps in daily skincare. During the day, bacteria, dust, and dirt particles settle on the skin's surface and mix with sebum. With insufficient cleansing, all this mixture settles in the pores, actively multiplies, and leads to acne and black spots, so simply rinsing your face with water will not work. Instead, check out Wilder's Prime Face Wash — an ultimate and universal moisturizing facial daily cleanser for all skin types.

Step 2: Exfoliating (2-3 times a week, 30-60 seconds)

The upper layer of the skin is constantly updated: old cells die off, replaced by new ones. Exfoliators stimulate the natural renewal process, effectively removing dead skin particles and restoring a healthy, fresh look to the skin. For example, try Wilder's Prime Face Scrub! The principle of action of the product is quite simple: it should be applied to a clean face after washing (after removing excess moisture with a towel), massage the skin for about a minute, and then rinse. It is also a perfect & gentle exfoliator before a close shave.

Step 3: Moisturizing (daily, 10 seconds)

Moisturizing cream is necessary for skin care to maintain youthful and healthy skin. It performs a critical function: replenishes the balance of moisture in the skin after cleansing and exfoliation, thereby preventing it from drying out and causing discomfort. For light moisturizing, you can use Wilder's Prime Face Lotion for a tightening and refreshing effect — Wilder's Prime Anti-aging Face cream, and for youth and freshness of the eyes — Wilder's Prime Eye Cream. Triple hydration for skin perfection!



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